Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Art Root - Racine, Wisconsin

Art Root is a collaboration of artists and advocates who are determined to reinvigorate Racine through the arts. Our vision is trans-formative. Within 10 years Racine will be an arts activator that nurtures collaborative creative networks, which sustain an inclusive, innovative and flourishing community.

I am a newer member of Art Root. I have enjoyed the time that I have been with the group. Art Root recently put on an "Arts Mixer" here in Racine for area artists, creatives, art groups, galleries, and cooperatives to get together in a fun and casual environment to mingle and learn about each other. This was the second time Art Root put on the mixer. This past mixer had many new faces and a few activities for people to participate in. Here are a few images that I took from the Art Root - "Arts Mixer" at Georges Tavern in fabulous downtown Racine.

You can find out more about Art Root by going to www.racineartscouncil.org/ArtRoot.html 

What do you love about Racine was the theme at the art table.

Art Root raffle

 We had live music for the night which was a perfect addition to the Arts Mixer.

 People hanging around mingling at the art table. Drinks, food, and art supplies? What else do you need??

There was a sweet photo-booth that people got really excited to be a part of. You can tell from my pal Nick and his many moments in the booth.

 What do you love about Racine, was the theme of the art table where people were invited to draw, write, sketch, color, and create whatever they felt.

Dragon Art Fair 2015

A big thank you to the wonderful weekend weather for the Dragon Art Fair, and also another HUGE thank you to the wonderful people I met there. I received some very kind words and some awesome fans this past weekend. Especially the three young ladies who gave me some very heartfelt compliments that will live with  me forever. :)

I look forward to next year!


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Monument Square Art Fair 2015

I wanted to give another great thanks to everyone who purchased work from me during the 2015 Monument Square Art Fair this past weekend. The first day of the fair was not a good one, with the rain and wind. Thankfully the decision was made to close up early and let the artists go home. I do appreciate the wonderful people who did come out for that short while on Saturday to check out the fair even though it was pretty miserable out. For all the artists who had damage to their tents, or set ups over Saturday night my heart goes out to you. When I came back Sunday morning my tent had moved during the night, but everything was pretty together underneath. I hope that the rest of the season is better for all the artists.

Sunday, was overall a lovely day, minus the harsh wind and the colder temperatures. I did get a nice group of people stopping by, which I fully appreciate. I am glad to have had very nice and helpful neighbors. They made things a little better for me. Not to mention the Racine Arts Council for their help and compassion during the crummy weather and wind. One last thank you to everyone who added to their art collection with my work. It truly makes me happy knowing someone is out their enjoying my work.



P.S. This Saturday I will be in Deforest, Wisconsin at the Dragon Art Fair from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Prom 2015

Prom 2015- My niece, her date, and their friends.

Art Fair 2015

Art Fairs for 2015

Monument Square Art Festival  - May 30th & 31st.
Racine, Wisconsin

Dragon Art Fair  - June 6th
Deforest, Wisconsin

Mount Horeb Art Fair  - July 18th & 19th.
Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin

 Hidden River Arts Festival  - September 19th & 20th.
Brookfield, Wisconsin

Hope to see you there! 

Purchase my work on Society6!