As you might be able to tell by the post title, this set of images is in the style of the 20th century photographer! How exciting. Last week was the 19th century now it is the 20th century. So many years so many changes. What you can expect and see is images with a modern approach. Fragments, selective focus, unusual angles, juxtaposition, non-grounded buildings, fragmentary views, details, interesting lighting... those are the things a 20th century photographer would utilize in their framing.
I know that these two centuries of photographers and photographs don't seem that much different, but you can see that there were more radical views of buildings in the 20th century. They become more experimental, and not so straight forward, or dead-pan type of images.
Where these were taken was at the fishing pier down by the power plant in Oak Creek. I love this spot because no one is ever down there, and the views of this massive complex, to me, is fantastic. I love standing by something so big, and the feeling of being so small. I like the feeling of being little, and unimportant. This building has interesting shapes to it. There are so many different parts of it, and they each have their own character. Some parts are very simple, and plain. While others are complex and intricate. One of the best parts is when you are driving down the big hill toward the pier and you can look out over the buildings. That point is when I felt like I was on the same level as the structure, then when I finished my drive down that hill, I again felt the massive structure hanging over me.
In these images I wanted to show all the parts of the building. From the simple parts, to the complex ones that I am not sure what they are used for. I also wanted to show how massive the buildings are. All of the interesting detail. Typically 20th century photographers use color in their work, but I went with the black and white just to simplify the differences in structures. Keep that in mind when looking at the work of 20th century photographers. The only other thing I might do with these images is put a black boarder around them. Other then that, that was my experience of the 20th century photographer.

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